Discovering Shochu: Episode 18 – Features by Shochu Types

One of the most effective angles to explain Shochu is to segment them according to type. The following is rundown of various aspects, according to major Shochu types. Created by the Sake Service Institute, the largest Sake educational organization in Japan, the information will serve as useful reference in increasing Shochu fans. Flavor Type #9074 […]

Discovering Shochu: Episode 17 – Closing the Unfamiliarity Gap

Let’s say, that all the artisan greatness of a Honkaku Shochu and their success stories in Japan aren’t generating the same excitement here in the US.  Maybe it’s time to take a novel approach for a solution by stepping away from Japanese eateries and taking a look at successful American drinking establishments.  They may hold […]

Discovering Shochu: Episode 16 – Creating a Menu That Works

A menu that’s concise and straightforward is effective in enticing more Shochu drinkers.  To start, the first important step is to evaluate the restaurant surroundings, configuration and the main characteristics that define its key positioning.   Also, design an all-inclusive alcoholic beverage menu, together with Sake and beer. The final step is to meld these […]

Discovering Shochu – Episode 15 – Emphasizing Product Attributes

Honkaku Shochu offers unique and delicious flavors found nowhere else in the world of distilled liquors, and is garnering a strong following in the international market.  Nowhere else is Koji used during the brewing process, added to that, the meticulous distilling and aging procedures at the high standards Japan in known for. As Japan’s National […]

Discovering Shochu – Episode 14 – Purported Health Benefits Are Quite the Allure

Throughout Japan, health benefits associated with drinking Honkaku Shochu have been highlighted in the headlines.  The sudden climb to prominence may seem recent, however, its reputation as a healthy drink is well founded from long back in Japanese history.  According to “Honcho-Shoku Kagami”, a food encyclopedia written 317 years ago in 1695, Honkaku Shochu had medicinal […]

Discovering Shochu: Episode 11 – Honkaku Shochu

Among all distilled liquors of the world, only Honkaku Shochu uses Koji to break down starch into glucose to ferment the Moromi mash.  With hand-crafted artisan Jizake as the national brewed liquor of Japan, Honkaku Shochu is the nation’s distilled version.   Differentiating from other Shochu’s, Honkaku Shochu undergoes single distillation to retain the unique flavor […]

Discovering Shochu: Episode 9 – Awamori & Kokuto Shochu

Awamori shochu of Okinawa is the oldest form of distilled liquor in Japan, and is known to be the origin of shochu. Among all shochu, Awamori is rather unique.  It uses Thai-harvested long grain rice, and through adding black koji, it converts the entire ingredient base into an all-koji base.  Furthermore, Awamori goes through a […]